Information Technology


The 2 Year Post Graduate Degree Course in computer science awarded in India to IT Graduates. The program is inclined more toward Application Development and thus has more emphasis on latest programming language and tools to develop better and faster applications. The course is designed to meet the growing demand of qualified professionals in the field of Information Technology. The post graduate degree program is dedicated to Application Development and thus has more emphasis on latest programming language and tools to develop better and faster applications. It covers various aspects of computational theory, programming, algorithm design and optimization, network and database management etc. As the IT and the software industry are dynamic and fast growing, all the programs are designed keeping in view the requirements of industry. Students are trained in the fields of Web Designing, Application Software Development, Enterprise Resource Planning, Computer Networks, System Administration, Web Designing and Development, Database Administration, Data Mining and Warehousing, etc. A project is also included in the curriculum for the post graduate degree to supplement detailed studies in advanced topics. The course includes co-curricular and extra- curricular activities for all round personality development of the students

II Year Degree (Master in Information Technology) +

  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Core Elective –II (Choose Any One)
  • Statistics and Data Analytics
  • Enterprise Computing with JAVA
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Computer Graphics
  • Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Software Project Management
  • Advanced Computer Architecture
  • Distributed Systems
  • Applied Cryptography
  • Cloud Computing
  • e-Business Systems
  • Core Elective III(Choose Any One)
  • Web Intelligence and Big Data
  • Flutter and Dart
  • Service Oriented Architecture
  • Multimedia Technologies
  • Internet of Things
  • Soft Computing
  • Software Quality Management
  • Digital Image Processing
  • Compiler Design
  • Parallel Computing
  • Numerical and Scientific Computing
  • Open Elective –II( Choose Any One)
  • Research Methodology
  • Operational Research

II Year of Post Graduate programme is designed to provide advance level concepts and to enrich student’s knowledge by providing some mandatory subjects like Design and Analysis of Algorithm and AI & ML and also providing them a plenty of core and open electives. The Year also includes a minor and major. Students are expected to work on a real-life project preferably in some industry/ Research and Development.

PG Diploma 1 Year +

  • Discrete Structures
  • Computer Networks
  • Operating Systems with Linux
  • Database Management Systems
  • Object Oriented Programming and JAVA
  • Data and File Structures
  • Object Oriented Software Engineering
  • Python Programming
  • Core Elective –I(Choose Any One)
  • Advanced Database Management Systems
  • Data Warehousing and Data Mining
  • Mobile Applications Design and Development
  • Full Stack Development
  • Web Technologies
  • Theory of Computations
  • Software Testing
  • Microprocessors
  • Embedded System
  • Information Security
  • Data Science
  • Open Elective –II (Choose Any One)
  • Digital Marketing
  • Management Information System
  • Management Principles and Organizational Behavior
  • Finance and Accounting

The Ist Year of Post Graduate Level Programme in IT begins with understanding the basic concepts of core IT subjects including Operating Systems, DBMS, Data Structures, Software Engineering and other core subjects. It also provides a good choice of Core and Open Electives to explore advance level subjects including Advance Database, Full Stack Development, Mobile Application Design and many more.

Course Objective

The broad objective of the Master of Computer Applications (MCA) Program

  • To prepare students for productive careers in IT industry by providing an outstanding environment in the core and emerging areas of the discipline.
  • To provide students a thorough and sound background with theoretical and practical oriented approach relevant to the latest trends in IT industry.
  • To prepare students who will contribute to society as broadly educated, expressive, ethical and responsible citizens with proven expertise.
  • To prepare students who will achieve peer-recognition; as an individual or in a team; through demonstration of good analytical, design and implementation skills
  • To prepare students who will thrive to pursue life-long learning to fulfill their goals.
  • To experience the students in finding solutions and developing system based applications for real time problems in various domains involving technical, managerial, economical & social constraints.
  • To prepare the students to pursue higher studies in computing or related disciplines and to work in the fields of teaching and research
  • To develop conceptual as well as analytical competencies in the areas of System development; Project Management; Network etc.

Course Highlights

  • Well structured lectures with practical approach
  • Exposure to the latest technologies in IT sector
  • Exposure to latest Programming Languages
  • Focus on newer dimensions of key topics
  • Guest lectures series from IT professionals
  • Industrial Visits
  • Presentations on topics based on new advancements made in the IT sector
  • Seminars
  • PDP Sessions and Soft Skills
  • Comprehensive Viva - Voce & Mock Interview Sessions
  • Placement Assistance

About us

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Course Opportunity

Students are trained in the fields of Application Software Development, Computer Networks,  Web Designing and Development, Database Administration, Data Mining and Warehousing, etc. In this world of Information technology, the scope of a Master graduate in Computer Applications is manifold. A student studying MCA can become: 

  • Software Programmer
  • Software Engineer
  • Software Developer
  • System Analyst
  • Software Application Architect
  • Software Consultant
  • Network Analyst
  • Network Engineer
  • Software Trainer Faculty
  • Design Engineer
  • Software Tester


The IT Department of JIMS can boast of its state-of-the-art computing resources and network across the campus. JIMS has Central IT Infrastructure Center for IT support. The main objectives of the dedicated Server Room are to provide easily accessible and excellent computational facilities, support to all members of JIMS on all aspects of academic, research and recreational requirements, to implement and maintain  IT Infrastructure and application software, to impart introductory and advanced instructions to users, generate trained manpower to maintain IT Infrastructure (Servers, Desktops, Data Security, Network).


Fully air conditioned, spacious lecture halls equipped with latest audio visual aids such as mounted LCD’d , OHP’s and Smart Board that provide excellent infrastructure backup for academic interaction among faculties and students.


High capacity seminar rooms with all latest audio visual aids that provide a good ambience and is available for workshops, seminars and guest lectures.


The Computer labs under department of IT provide a productive working environment for students enrolled at the college who require computer access for academic and research activities. Our Open Cluster Lab offers a variety of applications from general word processing to various research applications. All computers are configured latest operating systems, applications, and browsers that are networked to printers. Scanners are available for course activities. The labs are also equipped with a variety of Multimedia devices and software to provide support for Multimedia based 3D and Image Processing Projects.


JIMS library is a veritable storehouse of information with ample text and reference books, national and international periodicals and journals. Well equipped and fully computerized library provides latest research and reference material in print and audio-visual formats along with the facility to refer to e- journals. To cultivate values in students and enhance their skills, the knowledge storehouse has an array of books on computing concepts, codification and networking. The reading room provides a conductive environment for better learning and concentration.

Industrial Visits

Industrial visits are very important for students undergoing professional education. It provides an insight regarding the inner workings of an organization. It contributes to the achievements of various essential learning outcomes and program objectives thus helping the student realize his own potential.

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