Liberal Arts


Mental health is gaining importance all over the world and demand of psychologists is on the rise. The valuable degree in psychology can lead to a range of fulfilling careers in various fields. Although it needs hard work, psychology is a subject that ultimately aims to benefit the society. A student is able to delve into diverse psychological theories and research through our program which provides an opportunity of rich exploration of human behaviour, mental processes and emotions. The student can discover much more about the subject through specialised modules and internship opportunities.

3 Years Graduate Degree (Bachelor in Psychology )+

  • Understanding Psychological Disorders
  • Organizational Behaviour
  • Community Psychology
  • Positive Psychology
  • Project Evaluation (Based on Internship)
  • Understanding and Dealing with Psychological Disorders
  • Counselling Psychology
  • Psychology of Disability
  • Human Resource Management
  • Community Project

The 3 Years undergraduate degree in Psychology is a valuable stepping stone in a career related to this field. Various subjects taught during the course equip the students with the skills relevant for jobs in this domain. They will be taught about different psychological disorders (Etiology, symptoms and treatment) which will enhance their knowledge. Papers like Organizational behaviour, Human Resource Management, Community Psychology will equip students with organizational and social skills to design effective group interventions in future. Keeping the mental health of future practitioners in focus and keeping up with academic advancements, positive psychology techniques will also be imparted to the students. Furthermore, they will learn about the various issues pertaining to disability and will be imparted necessary counselling skills required to become an effective counsellor. Opportunities for practical exposure at every step will be given utmost priority. In the third year, students will be provided opportunities to complete their internships and a community project.

After acquiring the degree the student can successfully work as a Neuropsychologist, Industrial Psychologist, Public Statistician, School Counsellor, Research Psychologist, Social Worker, Development Psychologist, Employment Specialist and Rehabilitation Specialist among others.

2 Year Diploma +

  • Psychological Research
  • Development of Psychological Thought
  • Social Psychology
  • Psychology at Work
  • Personal Growth & Development
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Statistical Method for Psychological Research II
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Applied Social Psychology
  • Youth, Gender and Identity
  • Educational Psychology
  • Digital Empowerment
  • MOOC
  • Psychopathology
  • Psychological Assessments and diagnoses
  • Non Parametric Statistical Method
  • Applied Psychotherapy
  • Research Methods in Applied Psychology
  • Interviewing and Counselling Skills
  • Human Factors Psychology and Ergonomics
  • Forensic and Legal Psychology

The 2 years Diploma provides a broader introduction to the field of Psychology. It aims at preparing the student for a career in Psychological Research and Counselling. The course equips them for research that is based on a systematic study and analyses of experiences and behaviour of individuals as well as groups. Through various classroom activities and events the student is exposed to practical knowledge essential for jobs in this field.

Papers like Development of Psychological Thought explores the historical evolution of psychological theories and concepts and Social Psychology helps students examine the interactions between individuals and groups, focusing on the influence of social factors on behaviour and cognition. Psychology at Work aims to equip students with knowledge and skills relevant to applying psychological principles in workplace settings, including organizational behaviour and employee well-being, while Personal Growth & Development explores theories and practices related to personal development and self-improvement, fostering a deeper understanding of individual growth processes.

Papers like Emotional Intelligence focuses on enhancing students' ability to perceive, understand, and manage emotions, essential for effective interpersonal relationships and personal well-being and Developmental Psychology includes human development across the lifespan, students gain insights into the psychological processes and influences that shape individuals from infancy to old age. Youth, Gender, and Identity helps students explore the intersections of youth, gender, and identity, examining how social and cultural factors influence identity formation and expression while Educational Psychology provides students with an understanding of psychological principles relevant to teaching and learning, facilitating effective educational practices and student engagement. Paper in Psychopathology examines the nature, causes, and treatment of psychological disorders, developing skills in the assessment, diagnosis, and management of mental health issues and additionally, Psychological Assessment and Diagnosis focuses on the theory and practice of psychological assessment, including techniques for evaluating cognitive, emotional, and behavioural functioning.

Non-parametric Statistical Methods aims for the Students to learn alternative statistical techniques suitable for analysing data that do not meet the assumptions of traditional parametric tests, expanding their analytical toolkit in psychological research. Human Factors Psychology and Ergonomics explores the psychological principles underlying the design of products, systems, and environments to optimize human performance and well-being and finally Forensic and Legal Psychology examines the intersection of psychology and the legal system, focusing on topics such as criminal behaviour, eyewitness testimony, and the assessment of competency and mental state

1 Year Certificate +

  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Basic Psychology
  • General Psychology
  • Health Psychology
  • Lifespan Psychology
  • Lifespan Psychology II
  • Parametric Statistical Method
  • Biopsychology
  • Psychology for Health and Well-being
  • English Communication
  • Foreign Language French-I
  • Stress Management
  • Statistical Methods for Psychological Research I
  • Psychology of Individual Differences
  • Psychology and Media
  • Environmental Studies
  • Foreign Language French-II
  • MOOC

The field of Psychology is very vast and offers lucrative career options. The subject deals with the understanding of the behaviour, thinking and mind of the individuals and groups. The six months certificate program at JCC apprises the student of the fundamentals of this field. The student starts learning psychology as a discipline and its fundamentals. The students interested in Research and analyses hone their skill through a subject like Statistics taught in this program. The course allows a student to select a particular field in this domain as per his/her interest. In this course, students will get the opportunity to understand the psychological processes behind various life stressors, its impact on health and will be taught to manage stress effectively. Likewise, Lifespan Psychology will equip students to understand numerous developmental theories and identify age- gender specific issues which will help them in their professional practice.

Studying subjects like the ones mentioned in the course aim at providing a greater understanding of various subfields in Psychology. This would also help the student in deciding the job profiles they wish to take up once they are out of the college. The subjects like ‘Individual Differences’ are all about how and why individuals differ in their behavior and thinking. It helps immensely in relating to others and also self. Training on how the brain and nervous system influence human behavior is an extremely important topic in Psychology which is discussed in the subject Biopsychology. Apart from this as Psychology touches a number of other subjects too its influences on the media is also studied in this program. Lastly, to impart a holistic awareness on the natural surroundings, and to disseminate sensitization regarding its conservation, the students will be taught Environmental Studies. A compulsory foreign language paper will also be taught to them to enhance the skills of today.

Course Objectives

The three-year Under Graduate Psychology (H) Programme at the JCC is an intensive, rigorous and methodical study designed to:

  1. Help students develop soft skills to deal efficiently with people while working as counsellors and trainers.
  2. Making students aware about the applications of psychology in day-to-day life
  3. Imbibing reflective thinking in students so they can know about their behaviours while working with people.
  4. Developing a holistic knowledge base in research, clinical, counselling and organizational psychology so our students have ample opportunities to look forward to.
  5. Inculcate the right moral conduct and ethical behaviour in the mental health practitioners of tomorrow.

Course Highlights

  • The program offers in Psychology course offers intensive career training in areas like psychological research methods, cognitive psychology, child psychology and more.
  • This course aims to introduce the students to the wide range of approaches in psychology and how to apply their knowledge in it. 
  • It helps to study and learn about theories, concepts, tactics, and strategies that apply to the human behaviour.
  • Candidates may also get training in social sciences, humanities, and natural sciences.
  • It covers several areas of the field, such as physiological, abnormal, and developmental psychology.
  • A wide range of activities like fests, seminars, cultural conferences, guest lectures & internships to enhance learning and other necessary skills.
  • 100% placement assistance for different careers in companies of repute for all meritorious students. Education counsellors, behavioural therapist, child development specialist, human resources, organizational development and many other careers are placed under this gamut.

The course offers education in related sciences, and human behaviour, along with the core psychology coursework. Candidates explore topics given below:

  • Perception
  • Psychological research methods
  • Cognitive psychology
  • Child development
  • Personality theories

Common skills gained from a psychology degree include:

  • Ability to analyze complex data sets, and general analytical skill
  • Communication and teamwork skills
  • Numeracy and technology literacy, including statistics handling
  • An understanding of scientific literature and how to use it
  • Ability to approach issues from multiple perspectives
  • Sensitivity to a range of different experiences and emotions
  • Information-gathering skills, including survey design, observation, case study and sampling
  • Problem solving
  • Ability to work within a team


Minimum 50% marks in 10+2 (best of four including English)

Career Opportunities

It is well known that the field of psychology is very diverse because the human mind and human behaviour are very complex. Psychology touches every area of our lives—work, family, relationships, and mental and physical health. Based on the application of psychology in different areas of human life, different streams of professional psychology have been developed, such as clinical psychology, counselling psychology, organizational/industrial psychology, child psychology, military psychology, sports psychology and forensic psychology. Let us know more about these streams.

Clinical Psychology 

Clinical psychologists diagnose, understand and treat psychological disorders using psychotherapy. The reason is that often the medication given by the psychiatrist to the patient is not enough to fully treat a psychological disorder, and the patient requires psychotherapy by the clinical psychologist to be able to cope with the psychological disorder. However, clinical psychologists do not deal with the people suffering from major mental health issues. They work in hospitals, drug rehabilitation centres, NGOs,etc.  Earlier an clinical psychology wasrequired to start practicing as a clinical psychologist.  Under the just announced new education policy, the name of this degree is likely to change. The students interested in making a career in clinical psychology need a minimum of master’s degree in clinical psychology. Given the growing mental health issues in our society, the demand for clinical psychologists is expected to rise.

Counselling Psychology

Counselling psychologists also provide therapy to help patients deal with their personal and interpersonal problems. Like clinical psychologist, they do not treat people suffering from major mental health issues. Instead, they deal with day-to-day issues such as solving fights between couples, helping students struggling with their course work, to assist professionals in dealing with the anxieties of job, and helping students with career guidance, etc. A counsellor works to makethe clientsmore functional and adjusted in their daily lives. Today, counselling is required across all occupations, and the need for it will continue to grow.Those pursuing counselling psychology can get training to provide different types of counselling. They can specialize as career counsellors, relationship/marital counsellors, guidance counsellors, and rehabilitation counsellors. Counsellors work in therapy centres, private set-ups, career centres, schools, NGOs and organizations.To become a counselling psychologist, students need to have a minimum a B.A (H) in Psychology along with a one-year diploma course in counselling.

Organizational/Industrial Psychology

Organizational/industrial psychologists apply the principles of psychology to tackle workplace issues. They work to make organizations and industries more efficient. They study workplace issues at the individual, group and organizational levels and develop modules to solve these issues. The students who specialize in organizational behaviour can work as human resource development specialists, organizational consultants, HR managers and training specialists, etc. Today organizations are investing a lot on evaluating emotional and social intelligence of their employees. Organizational and industrial psychologists have a good career prospects as they are equipped to help organizations train their employees on these new-age skills such as emotional intelligence and ability to work in teams. Students can get jobs after B.A (H) or M.A in psychology along with a diploma course in organizational psychology.

Child Psychology

The field of child psychology has a great potential in India because so far it has not got the required attention from parents as well as psychologists.  In the last few decades, childhood developmental disorders have tripled thus underlining the growing need for the services of child psychologists. Child psychologists deal with psychomotor, cognitive, emotional and social development of children and infants. They mostly work in child therapy centres, schools, and NGOs. Those trained to impart special education help the kids with special needs. For example, children with learning disabilities or autistic children or children with brain impairment can greatly become functional with use of psychological training and therapy.For becoming a child psychologist, you need a minimum of master’sdegree in child psychology or a master’s in special education.

Sports Psychology 

Psychology has become an important part of sports. Sportspersons’ performance is affected a great deal by their mental conditioning. A sports psychologist works to improve the mental conditioning of a sportsperson, particularly an athlete.  A sports psychologist studies the factors that can impact an athlete’s performance. These include cognitive, emotional, motivational and physiological factors. Sports psychologists generally work with sports coaching centres, sports teams, sports academies and leagues.

Today winning sports events gives the winners and their managers or team managements instant fame and rich rewards. Therefore, team managements take the services of sports psychologists along with coaches and physical trainers to enhance the performance of their sportspersons.

Sports psychology is relatively new in India but is expected to grow at an exponential rate.For practicing as a sports psychologist, a master’s in sports psychology is required. The Sports Authority of India provides research fellowships for psychologists; to avail this student need a master’s in psychology and must qualify for national eligibility test (NET) qualification.

Forensic Psychology 

Forensic psychology is relatively new in India. It has application in legal and judicial systems, especially in the context of witness testimony and custody issues.Forensic psychologists try to understand the psychology of criminals and the intent behind crimes. They have an important role to decide thenature of sentencing for criminals. In conflicts between spouses where child custody is an issue, the role of forensic psychologists is very important. For becoming a forensic psychologist, you need a minimum of M.Phil. in Forensic Psychology (the name of this degree will change from M. Phil.). Also, with the expected improvement in the judicial system, forensic psychologists are expected to play an important role in legal policymaking.


Lecture Halls and Seminar Rooms

Fully air-conditioned, spacious lecture halls and custom-built seminar rooms, equipped with latest audio-visual aids, provide an excellent infrastructural back-up for academic interaction among faculties and students.


The Library at JCC Sector 3 Rohini is a veritable storehouse of information with ample text and reference books, national and international periodicals and journals. Well equipped and fully computerized library provides latest research and reference material in print and audio-visual formats along with the facility to refer to e-journals, Project Reports, Government Publications etc. To cultivate values in students and enhance their personality, the knowledge storehouse has an array of books on social issues and historical readings. The reading rooms provide a conducive environment for better learning and concentration.

Psychology Laboratory

There is a curiosity to know intellectual level, interests, aptitudes, personality, adjustment etc. One can know such things through their measurements & this measurement is possible through relevant psychological tests. The college has a separate psychology Laboratory which has sufficient psychological apparatus, tests etc. which are related to various aspects of human development and teaching learning process for conducting psychology experiments.


AADI - Action for Ability Development and Inclusion

The Department of Psychology organized a visit to AADI (Action for Ability Development and Inclusion) and Sambhav centre.

This visit contains a lot of learning and exposure for the students. The focus was on the needs and fulfilment of people with disabilities and have an idea using realistic examples of how easy it is to make a comfortable setup for all with just a little bit of creativity and change.

Rorschach Inkblot Test

The Department of Psychology invited an expert Ms. Kanika Khandelwal (working as a SRF at AIIMS, Delhi) for workshop to teach the students about Rorschach Inkblot Test.

The aim of the workshop was to teach the students about Rorschach Inkblot test which is a projective psychological test in which subjects' perceptions of inkblots are recorded and then analysed using psychological interpretation, complex algorithms or both.

Let us reach out to the children. Let us do whatever we can to support their fight to rise above their pain and suffering -Nelson Mandela

Department of Psychology organised a visit to Children's Home for Girls, Burari run by Kasturba Gandhi National Memorial Trust and Phulwari Children Home for boys, Alipur run by Department of WCD.

The students interacted with all the children (orphans, survivors of various forms of abuse, victims of child neglect, missing cases etc.). They met all of them and got to know how each one of them had gone through so much in life and yet were so standing so strong!


A one day trip/visit was organized as a retreat program where 5 kind of therapies were covered -colour therapy, sound therapy, dance therapy, breathing, relaxation and yoga.


Rangmanch Farms leisure trip (Feb ‘23)

The students of psychology department recently visited the Rangmanch farms where they got to perform various activities like zip-line, pottery making, camel ride, water activities and much more. The day-out not only filled the students with immense enthusiasm but also helped them break through the monotony.

Rorschach workshop

The department of psychology organized a 3- day workshop by Ms.Kanika Khandelwal, an established clinical psychologist and senior research fellow at AIIMS, to get our budding psychologists oriented with the conduction of Rorschach Inkblot Test- a projective psychological test which is used popularly by psychologists to examine an individual’s personality characteristics and emotional functioning. It was a great learning experience and got the students acquainted with the application of the subject in clinical settings.

Poster Making- Competition

To inspire and encourage students to be creative, as well as to assist them in honing their abilities, the Department of Psychology conducted a "poster making activity” and students participated with enthusiasm and showed there talent on how Media impacts on Gaming Disorder, Body. Image Issue, Cybercrime, Stereotypes, Role in Destigmatization. And to see how much the Students created the idea of media portraying and how media literates is just as much fascinating after looking at their posters

From the idea of body shaming to the idea of gaming disorder to the stereotypes, shows how much understanding the students have of their surroundings. This competition was held to encourage students to present their talent and how beautifully they have showcase it on paper.


Psychphoria: The annual department fest

The Department of Psychology organized its departmental fest “Psychphoria” on 5th December ’22 which is hugely popular in the institute. It was accompanied by a speech competition, 'Psychtalk' and an art competition, 'Psyhcart'. The topic for both of them was “how can we make this world a better place to live in”

Awareness Walk

The Department of Psychology collaborated with The PsyK- Life, and celebrated the World

Mental Health Month, by volunteering for the Mental Health Awareness Walk and came together to bust myths, and become the voice for change, raise awareness among the youth, advocate therapy and spread positivity.


During the activity students were first asked to form a team and then they were given a task. It was a rather interesting Task in which they were asked to create something from newspapers. Each team was given two newspapers. The condition being whatever they made should be out of the box and should be able to stand on its own. In all there were 5 teams. All the teams and their members did their best at both individual and group level.

This showed how effectively and efficiently each member coordinated and contributed in the completion of task. Their efforts at both individual and group level shows no matter how big the task is strength of the team is each individual member and strength of each member is the team.

To conclude it the activity taught us how to work effectively and efficiently in a team. It also taught us to respect and trust our team members to help achieve the goals. This team building exercise guided us to acknowledge the importance of team building and team work.

Hence, we can all agree to the fact together everyone achieves more.


One of the greatest events held in JCC, the annual event of psychology department Psychphoria played a crucial role in bringing out the best in the students.

They had an immense opportunity to showcase their talent by acting up as a medium between the spectators and an overrated issue "Generation Gap". 

Generation Gap, a self explanatory term i.e. differences in actions, beliefs and tastes of members of younger generations versus the older ones. When we bring this topic to the table, a debate is very likely to tag along. Even though, some people might believe that this issue has a presence between them and their peer group too, every person once in a lifetime feels generation gap amongst the older generations of their family. People often confuse "generation gap" with the term "misunderstanding" and it becomes a tough job to be able to acknowledge the difference between the two terms.

In the skit competition, Psychphoria, the participants turned out to be consummate as they brought out the transparency in various matters, from breaking simple stereotypes to a topic as complex as homeosexuality. Belonging from a young generation, they not only presented their views but dished out the standpoint of the older generations as well.

Freshers 2021

When students join college, the first thing that comes to our mind is the Freshers Party. The batch of 2021 was lucky enough to get this once in a lifetime experience. The whole department including students left no stone unturned to make it the best. Four days before the fresher’s party, the auditions for the title of Mr. and Miss Freshers were announced. All of us were on cloud 9, excitedly discussing about our attire, hairstyle, our overall look for the event and how we would present ourselves in front of the judges. The event started with a huge opening, with well managed programmes, a big stage with rounds of Photo sessions and selfies of us, well dressed. As everyone was beaming in an unparalleled aura and excitement was at peak, it didn't take much for us to settle in that ambience.

The selected boys and girls for Mr. and Miss freshers were given different tasks, who showcased their hidden talents which ranged from Stand-up comedy to singing performances and after much cheering we got our Mr. and Miss freshers. It was quite astonishing to realise that we have some gems studying in our batch. 

Delicious Lunch was served along with these. It ended with a grand DJ, where we danced like there was no tomorrow.

It was a really memorable day. We enjoyed to the fullest, got to know about each other, interacted with our lovely seniors and that's the best part.

Trade Fair

JCC has organised a trip to trade fair for students assisted with teachers. It's a great place to venture  with friends and family. Many traders come from around india even some across the world to offer and present what their country has speciality in.

Every year the trade fair has a main attraction, this time it was the hunar haat, where people from all over India came to showcase their talent and put up stalls. There was also a section dedicated to the start ups for the youth and new generation ideas to come in front of the world.

The state's showcase was smaller this year in comparison but beautiful neither less. It showcased beautifully about the states of India. The union territories were the show stealer for me, the way they presented all the states in such a way and with limited space available was a new concept we got to see.

The handicraft stalls were way more eye-catching than anything in the whole fair, the wooden items, the craftsmanship of those items showed the dedication put in them to be made. The turkish lamps were one of them. The beautiful coloured lights would make any room, any balcony look way more aesthetic and cool and would help set the mood in whatever sense the mood is being set into. Overall the experience was wholesome and enriching for students.

Best out of Waste

The students of first year participated in this online classroom activity pertaining to the Environmental Studies subject. They were to create useful products out of waste material available at home. They participated with great enthusiasm and carved out many amazing and useful things like table lamp, wall hanging, mobile stands, decorative show pieces, table coasters etc out of the waste stuff. Students were judged in the end on the basis of their creativity , usefulness of their product and presentation. The three best products were ranked and students were given the certificates.

Mindfullness Intervention

Mindfulness Intervention

To enhance the mental health of our students a guided mindfulness intervention was conducted in psychology dept. It was started with the breathing exercise as a warm up to prepare them for further activity. Following the breathing exercise Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) was being conducted. In this activity they had to carefully focus on their body muscles starting from toes to head. At the end an individual feedback session was done to map the effectiveness of the intervention. Overall, the intervention turned out to be effective for the students.

Movies Screening

Learning through cinema stimulates learner reflection. The concepts are easily related to feelings and emotions through movies and the story telling definitely sets up the foundation of sound and retainable knowledge. Thus, movie screening is an integral part of the course. Movies related to mental health including A beautiful mind, Peaceful warrior, Room, Unbroken, Inside out among many others are shown to students to understand various mental conditions better.

Raise Awareness

The students were sent to classrooms of various other courses where they gave presentations in groups to spread awareness on the issues related to mental health. They talked about the most common problems like stress, depression and anxiety and discussed the common symptoms along with the strategies to deal with them. Each group of students was accompanied by a teacher. The students even answered questions raised by the audience on the issue

Observational Learning

To better understand a subject like Educational Psychology the students were given an assignment under which they sat in different classrooms to observe various teaching strategies adopted by teachers for effective learning by students. The students observed the overall environment in the class and the teacher’s role in it, they observed the teaching style and the students’ involvement level among various other things. Later these observations were discussed by everyone in the class.

Article Reading and Interpretation

The best way to enhance knowledge is through reading. The students are motivated to read books related to different subjects. They are regularly taken to the library to read articles related to mental health from various magazines, they are then asked to interpret the articles in their own words. The same is discussed in the class with other students for collective knowledge enhancement.

Guest lectures

  1. Forensic Psychology

    On 28th April we had a guest lecture on Forensic Psychology and the resource person is an experienced crime investigator by Mr. Gaurav Gill who have a specific certification on Body language along with that he is a consultant of Delhi Police crime branch, His expertise is on body language analysis. He was recently awarded on December 2021 by the Delhi police crime branch for his contribution as a psychologist.

  1. Bullying

    The department of psychology organised a guest lecture on the topic "bullying' in collaboration with Fortis Hospital!

    Shubhika Sharma is an Expressive Arts Based Therapist and Psychologist at Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon.

    In addition to this, she also conducts life skills & mental health workshops with schools as a part of the Fortis School Mental Health Program

  1. Suicide and Prevention

    To raise awareness about Suicide Prevention, the psychology department organised a guest lecture on Suicide Awareness and Prevention on World Suicide Prevention day (10 September, 22)

    The session was taken by Ms.Sanya Bedi, an experienced counselling psychologist. The aim of the department through such activities is to create a holistically healthy campus environment by fostering mental well-being in students through awareness and acceptance.

  1. Decolonising Psychology

    The department of psychology had a guest lecture on 28th June 22 on the topic 'Decolonizing Psychology'. The guest was Ms. Radhika Goel -a counselling psychologist who taught in a manner which developed interest of students.

    Decolonizing as the word suggests freeing of colonies, and we were made to understand how psychology being a western subject needs to have a more understanding at a regional level. while studying such a beautiful subject as psychology it is important for students to acknowledge and empathise the client's situation as much important it is to question why this School of Psychology?

  1. Career options in the field of Child Psychology

    A guest lecture was organised for Psychology students on career opportunities and challenges in the field of child psychology. Ms. Eti Goel was the resource person who apprised the students of the common disabilities and disorders among children and parents counselling.

  1. Scope of forensic Psychology in India by Ms. Pooja Tomar (Forensic Psychologist). The scope and opportunities in the field Forensic psychology in India was discussed in the session.
  1. Scope of Clinical psychology in India by Ms. Mrinali (MPhil, NIMHANS). The scope and opportunities in the field of clinical psychology in India was discussed in the session.
  1. SPSS workshop –

    The use of SPSS tool is of per significance in psychological researches. Ms. Arshiya Kochar (Psychologist) was invited to teach the required skills of the  statistical tool to the second-year students.

  1. Importance of Diet and Nutrition in Mental Health’ by Dr. Sangeeta Malik (HOD Diet and Nutrition)

    The special lecture on significance of healthy diet, nutrition and health promotive behaviors was organised. The emphasis was given on the role of healthy diet on our mental well-being.

  1. Challenges for an Adolescent

    A guest lecture was taken by Ms Tanya Alagh a Clinical Psychologist. Various methods and techniques used in overcoming the conflicts and confusions during this age were discussed by her. Students also shared their experiences through ‘self control circle’ and ‘self discovery’ activities.

  1. Creating an Effective Social Media Campaign

    A session by Mr. Tarun Jajoria, Tech Lead, Pracify.This topic was from the subject ‘Media and Psychology’. Understanding mass media and the fundamental steps on how a message is propagated to certain audiences via digital and print medium was discussed in the session. The session apprised students of the impact of marketing campaigns designed according to the moral and ethical profile of the audience.

  1. Cybercrime

    A guest lecture was taken by Ms. Pooja Tomar, Forensic Psychologist on the topic ‘Cybercrime’. The session apprised the students of the origin and the current scenario of cybercrime in India. Some important cyber laws and case studies were also discussed in the session.

Industrial Visits

Visit to AADI Development centre

The students of the department were taken to AADI [Action for Ability Development and Inclusion] in August 2022. AADI’s Vision is of “a world in which people with disability are an integral part of society, participating in the community and living life to the fullest, with equitable access to opportunities and services.The place was made in a universal way i.e., people with or without any disability could do the daily task without anyone's help. In order to ensure equal participation of differently abled persons in the society, Ability

Development & Inclusion (AADI) launched a national resource centre in the Capital recently - SAMBHAV. Sambhav is the central unit of AADI. This unit of aadi "SAMBHAV" works with a tagline "YE SB SAMBHAV HAI"

It is based on the principles of universal design which, in turn, are founded on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).

Visit to Rohini Jail

Students were taken to Rohini jail to observe the jail environment for inmates. They also had an interaction with the First Time Offenders. The visit proved to be very useful for students interested in the domain of Forensic psychology.

Visit: Apna Ghar NGO

Students of psychology 3rd year visited Apna Ghar NGO, run by INTAS foundation, to interact with people fighting cancer (adults and children) as well as their caretakers through therapeutic activities and sharing experiences and knowledge. A great thanks to Ma'am Ms. Kirti Garg for this amazing opportunity that opened the gate for new learnings for the students.

Visit: Earth Saviours Foundation

Visit to Fortis

The students of second and third year visited Fortis Hospital, Shalimar Bagh in Feb ’23 for a formal interaction with the Psychologists and Psychiatrists from department of Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences. The discussion was focussed on the challenges and opportunities for students interested in making career in the field of clinical psychology.

Blind School (Rohini sec 3) visit

The students of Psychology(Hons.) first semester were taken to ‘All India Confederation of the Blind’ a training centre for the visually impaired located in Rohini, sector 5 on November 11, 2019. The objective of the visit was to know about the cognitive function in blinds. The students also learnt about their working memory abilities and sensory representations. The students later made a project on the visit.

blind school
karmarth image

Karmarth NGO (Mundka) Visit

The students of Psychology Hons. Second semester were taken to Karmarth (an NGO)  in the 2nd semester to interact with students of various socio economic background to understand their challenges and motivations. The Psychology students interviewed each of them with the help of a prepared questionnaire and later made a project on the same.


S.No Student Name Domain of internship Organisation Profile
1 Mehak Sharma Clinical Therapy and Beyond Clinical intern
2 Muskan Makhija Clinical Therapy and Beyond Clinical intern
3 Prerna Arora Clinical Therapy and Beyond Clinical intern
4 Monika Sharma Clinical Therapy and Beyond Clinical intern
5 Sakshi Jaiswal Clinical Therapy and Beyond Clinical intern
6 Akanksha Clinical Inside out Mental Health Clinic Clinical intern
7 Ayushi Clinical Inside out Mental Health Clinic Clinical intern
8 Hancy Solanki Clinical Inside out Mental Health Clinic Clinical intern
9 Ishika Clinical Inside out Mental Health Clinic Clinical intern
10 Kriti Clinical Inside out Mental Health Clinic Clinical intern
11 Ayush Thakur Forensic Centre for Forensic Forensic intern
12 Amisha Kohli Forensic Centre for Forensic Forensic intern
13 Prashant Sharma Forensic Centre for Forensic Forensic intern
14 Neeraj Kumar Upadhyay Forensic Centre for Forensic Forensic intern
15 Anjali Organisational Log Vikas Business Developer
16 Divya Anand Organisational Log Vikas Psychometric Test Designer
17 Husna Siddqui Organisational Log Vikas T & D trainee
18 Paridhi Agrawal Organisational Log Vikas Psychometric Test Designer
19 Riya Chauhan Organisational Log Vikas Research Assistant
20 Sandhya Rani Barik Organisational Log Vikas T & D trainee
21 Shristi Jain Organisational Log Vikas T & D trainee
22 Srishti Gurnani Organisational Log Vikas T & D trainee
23 Thounaojam Mangjilthaba Organisational Log Vikas Business Developer
24 Annu Organisational Log Vikas Business Developer
25 Vaishali Organisational Log Vikas Psychometric Test Designer
26 Kanika Kapoor Organisational Log Vikas Business Developer
27 Khushi Jain Organisational Log Vikas T & D trainee


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