Application for Admission 2024

 Form No. Fore Office Use Only       
Registration No:   IP-JR3331233237719

1. Programme Applied For :

2. Personal Details

Date Of Birth: Gender:
Marital Status :
Category: Nationality:    

3. Contact Details

Correspondence  Address:
Pin Code: Phone No: Mobile No:
Permanent Address:
Pin Code: Phone No: Mobile No:

4. Parents Details

Parent’s Name (Father & Mother) Occupation Phone No Mobile No Mail ID

5. Educational Qualifications

Examination Passed Name of The School Name of Board / University Year of Passing Subject Studied % / CGPA

6. From where did you come to know about JIMS-JCC.


Please specify the name of magazine / newspaper:
Any other (Please specify) :
Payment Mode :*

I wish to apply for admission to JIMS-JCC, Rohini, Delhi and promise to abide by the Rules & Regulations of the Institute. I certify that the information given by me in this application form is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand and agree that misrepresentation, concealment or omission of any fact will justify the denial or cancellation of my admission, or expulsion from the Institute. I further declare that I shall submit myself to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Institute.
I have read and understand all the terms and condition for the admission mentioned in the prospectus and agree to abide by them.

Date: Monday, March 31, 2025


Community Centre, (Near Police Station) Sector-3, Rohini, Delhi-110085
Ph: 45184100 Fax: 45184100
Email: [email protected]